Tuesday, September 7, 2010


[artwork from:
The Geste of Beren and Luthien]

reaching for the highest praise
i found that i could not ascend
to heights too tall for me
too free for me
too unlike me

but in that exercise of faith
i learned that i could
spend my heart's gratitude
in words of thanksgiving
and hope for those i love

reaching for the highest praise
i found that i could not be heard
when my heart's gratitude
was tangled with unforgiveness
tangled with worry
tangled with fear

but in that exercise of faith
i learned that His compassion
helps me to untangle
the knots of introspection
and still hope for those i love

reaching for the highest praise
i found that i could not express
what needed most expressing
in quiet
in humility
and in solitude....waiting

but in that exercise of faith
i learned that He is coming
worthy of my highest praise
receiving all my pain
rejoicing in my expression
and loving those i love

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